Karen Schwarz 315-289-6107 |
Experience Solution-Focused and/or Supportive counseling to help you reach your goals. Our services are flexible, and adjusted according to your needs, using any methods determined best to help you reach your goals. Information on these and other options are listed below.
Scroll down for the following information:
What is Solution Focused Counseling?
What is Supportive Counseling?
Using Hypnosis in counseling
What type of counseling is best for me?
What is Soultion Focused Counseling?
Several elements make Solution Focused Counseling (SFC) different that conventional counseling in changing behavior:
- You create and focus on a goal. This is a key component to SFC and, if you need help identifying a goal, you and your counselor can work together to accomplish that.
- You focus on what is, rather than what isn't, working for you. However, it will be important, when identifying a goal, to become clear on what isn't working first, and then you and your counselor can move forward from there.
- You identify how you will start the change process rather than end it.
- You become clear as to "how" you will accomplish something, and "what" you need to do to accomplish it rather than "why" it is happening.
- You remove barriers to change.
The number of sessions are determined based on your needs and progress. In some cases treatment goals can be accomplished in as few as three to six sessions. Treatment is complete when you have, and have begun using, the tools necessary to accomplish your objectives. You can request additional sessions if needed or desired.
Clients who have used this method have stated they have made more progress in a few sessions than they did in years of therapy.
Scroll down to "What if I'm not Sure What kind of Counseling is best for me?", if neither Solution Focused nor Supportive Counseling seem to be an exact fit for you.
What is Supportive Counseling?
Supportive Counseling offers a sensitive ear and gentle guidance to support you through difficult times. Expect to be treated respectfully, regardless of your personal beliefs, race, sexual orientation, and/or religious values.
Using Hypnosis in Counseling
When appropriate, and if you are willing, Karen offers hypnosis as a way to get unstuck and/or to develop insights into your behavior. This process will only be done with your permission, and your questions will be answered thoroughly before you begin, so you can feel as comfortable as possible. Rest assured that if you should no longer wish to engage in hypnosis, you can stop the process at any time, and resume if and when you wish, if it appears to be the best way to move forward.
What type of counseling is best for me?
At Transformative Services, LLC, we work with you to determine your best treatment direction. At times, a supportive ear is all that's needed and, at other times a more directive approach, hypnosis, or spiritual-based counseling works best. Our approach is flexible, changing as your need changes. You have input in the therapeutic process as well, allowing it to best work for you.